Latest Mutual fund SIP data

SIP meansSystematic Investment Planwhere Investors regularly invest in Mutual Fund schemes similar to recurring deposit.

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Indian Mutual Funds have currently about 10.23 crore SIP accounts through which investors regularly invest in Indian Mutual Fund schemes.

AMFI data shows that the MF industry had added, on an average, 53.11lakhs SIP accounts each month during the FY 2023-24, with an average SIP size of about ₹2,318 per SIP account

AMFI data shows that the MF industry had added, on an average, 20.95 lakhs SIP accounts each month during the FY 2022-23, with an average SIP size of about ₹2,452 per SIP account.

Mutual Fund SIP - Latest Data

AMFI data shows that the MF industry had added, on an average, 25.43 lakhs SIP accounts each month during the FY 2021-22, with an average SIP size of about ₹2,278 per SIP account. 

AMFI data shows that the MF industry had added, on an average, 11.78 lakhs SIP accounts each month during the FY 2020-21, with an average SIP size of about ₹2,465 per SIP account. 

AMFI data shows that the MF industry had added, on an average, 9.83 lakhs SIP accounts each month during the FY 2019-20, with an average SIP size of about ₹2,770 per SIP account

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Mutual fund SIP - Yearwise data

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