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Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme: New Changes that you should know

The main aim of this Sukanya Samriddhi scheme is to provide a prosperous future for the girl child. Read more on here Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana – A Complete Guide

The finance ministry has issued a notification {Notification No. G.S.R. 914(E)} and brought few changes.


1.Changes in AGE for Accounts operation by the girl child

  1. Old Rule : Once the girl reaches 10, she can operate the account
  2. New Rule: Account cannot be operated by the girl child till she attains the age of 18 years.

2.The Interest rate for the default accounts are higher.

If the account does not have the minimum deposit of 250Rs in a financial year, it will be considered as default account.

  1. Old Rule : Default accounts earns Post office savings interest rate (4%)
  2. New Rule : Default accounts also earns the Scheme’s interest rates. (8.7%)

3.Changes in Pre-mature Closure of the Accounts.

  1. Old Rule : Allowed pre mature closure of the account in two cases –due to death of girl child and in case of change in residency status of girl child.
  2. New Rule : Allowed pre mature closure of the account in below cases – due to death of girl child and Compensate grounds – when medical treatment of the account holder is required for life-threatening diseases or death of the guardian.

4.Changes in Accounts opening for more than 2 girl children in a family

  1. Old Rule : Parent/guardian had to submit a medical certificate.
  2. New Rule : Parent/guardian is required to submit an affidavit, along with the birth certificates.

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