Nifty 50 is benchmark index of an Indian stock market. Please see below graph for the Nifty and it’s weightage.
Read the previous month Returns Commentary here.
Past Month Returns : July-2020
- Nifty50 continued its momentum towards upwards and ended the month of July-2020 with a gain of +7.49% vs +7.53%. (June-2020)
- This year (April Month) has one of the best monthly returns in the last decade. (+14.58%)
- This July Monthly Gain Ranks – 63rd out of 361 months since July 1990.
- Yearly returns stand at the end of July is -9%.
To give a picture of monthly returns in past, here is the Nifty Monthly Returns Heatmap:
Check out the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) in India
Top Stocks Performance in Nifty :
Indices Monthly Performance :
TOP 10 NIFTY Monthly Gain
RANK | MONTH | Returns % |
1 | Mar-92 | 41.87% |
2 | Feb-92 | 29.84% |
3 | May-09 | 28.07% |
4 | Jul-91 | 27.23% |
5 | Jan-92 | 22.61% |
6 | Nov-93 | 21.01% |
7 | Feb-91 | 20.86% |
8 | Jan-94 | 19.57% |
9 | Oct-07 | 17.51% |
10 | Feb-96 | 16.98% |
TOP 10 NIFTY Monthly Fall
RANK | MONTH | Fall % |
1 | Oct-08 | -26.41% |
2 | May-92 | -25.27% |
3 | Mar-20 | -23.25% |
4 | May-04 | -17.40% |
5 | Jun-08 | -17.03% |
6 | Jan-08 | -16.31% |
7 | Mar-01 | -15.04% |
8 | Mar-93 | -14.68% |
9 | May-06 | -13.68% |
10 | Oct-92 | -13.67% |
Check out the Latest Nifty and Stock Drawdown Meter
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This table will be updated every month to know the Financial & Economical Health of the Indian Market.
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